FIRST Meeting


The FIRST Meeting of the Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club will be THURSDAY NIGHT, February 13, at 6:00 pm at the Morrilton North Fire Station, across from Casey’s and on the corner of Hospital Drive. Follow the Hospital Signs and you can’t miss it.

EAT AT 5:00 pm (Three Different Chili Recipes from Roger, ME, and Will Fosse).

Again, EAT AT 5:00, MEET at 6:00!

Winter Field Day, February Club Meeting

Winter Field Day

Due to lack of interest, and only one RSVP, we are NOT REPEAT NOT going to set up for Winter Field Day at the North Fire Station.

February Club Meeting

We WILL HAVE our Club Meeting, that was canceled due to snow this month, on Thursday, February 13, at the Morrilton North Fire Station. The menu is still chili for our feed, starting at 5:00 with the meeting starting at 6:00.

The program will be the same as that planned for January.

New Meeting Date

The Club Meeting on 9th of January was canceled due to weather. The first quarter meeting will be February 13, We will discuss all of the items that remain on our agenda. If John Evans can support February 13 we will still have his presentation. After the February meeting we will resume the usual schedule.

Next Meeting July 11th

New Location! North Fire Station
By the Hospital and Next to Colton’s
5pm ish if you want to eat (Pizza)
6pm for the regular meeting
David Norris the ARRL Division Manager is tentatively scheduled
For our program

2024 Summer Field Day Report

Once again, we are grateful to the city of Morrilton for the use of the North Fire Station. We began setting up around 10 am on Saturday. By 1:30 pm we had 4 stations and 4 antennas operational. 2 of the stations belonged to Chris Gimbert. We appreciate his set up and expertise. The other 2 stations were from the Conway County go box. We were able to add a long cat 4 cable to the head of the IC7100 radio so that station was well separated from the 7300 station.. We had a total of 18 people participate in our endeavor. It was good to see J. M. Rowe, the state ARRL emergency coordinator. We had a total of 136 QSOs. Our contacts were from a total of 32 states, 3 countries, 75 grids, 106 counties, and 43 ARRL sections.

A tribute to James Taylor AF5EI SK.

by Steve Beavers
I have held off on making this post until I spoke with his family this morning. Yesterday, a little after noon, Conway County lost an icon. James (Mr. Jim) Taylor passed away at Conway Regional Hospital. He proudly served his country during the Vietnam War. He brought the skills he learned back to his home in Conway County and used them to benefit everyone he met. He served proudly with the Conway County Fire Department for many years and would do anything to help them until the day he passed. He was an integral part of Conway County Office of Emergency Management for more years than I can count. He served as our communications officer up until a few months ago when he finally admitted that he needed to slow down a little bit (He didn’t really slow down much). He was always ready to help any time anyone needed it. He made sure to monitor storms, and make sure everyone was ok. He was the driving force behind the Arkansas Diamonds Radio Group, where he served as a board member. He always tried to keep the group moving in the right direction and grow. He was the catalyst behind many of the big projects that the Arkansas Diamonds is rolling out. Mr. Jim, serve his country and his community well. He also served his friends. Mr. Jim never met a stranger. After a few minutes, he was your friend. And there was a good chance that he would hand you a study guide and try to recruit you into amateur radio. I was fortunate enough to not only work with Jim, but also be friends. He helped me through a few tough places lately. He was always there to give good advice. It may not have been advice I wanted, but it was the advice I needed. He would come to my office and say “Boss, I’m headed to lunch and bingo”, “Boss, it’s commissary day, do you need anything” or “Boss, I’m headed to Tucker Mountain, call if you need anything”. I know he always meant it. As he was headed to the hospital, he made sure that I knew he would not be at work the next day. I know, he didn’t want us to worry about him if he wasn’t at the office. I know I am one of many who has been touched by Jim’s love. The last text that I got from Jim, simply read “Love too all”. He truly meant it. Mr. Jim was a one-of-a-kind person; a person we should all strive to be. He will be missed by many. AF5EI, we’ll take it from here.

Winter Field Day

It’s almost time for Winter Field Day! January 27th & 28th 2024
By David Eichenberger, W5WUP, President of the Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club.

On Saturday and Sunday, January 27 and 28, the Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club participated in the annual Winter Field Day exercise, sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association.

At the Winter Field Day Association, their mission is to encourage emergency operating preparedness during the winter months when the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards may present unique operational challenges. Each year, they sponsor the Winter Field Day Exercise to encourage Amateur Radio Operators and Clubs to test their emergency preparedness capabilities in various conditions and push themselves to new levels.

This year the Morrilton Fire Department, and Chief Earle Eichenberger, allowed the club to utilize the Morrilton North Fire Station training room for the event. Beginning at 1:00 pm CST on Saturday and ending at 1:00 pm on Sunday, the club set up 4 field deployed antennas and operated radio stations on 10, 15, 20, and 40 meters. Approximately 165 contacts were logged from 28 states and Canada, and operating modes including voice and SSTV (Slow Scan TV).

The club hosted hams from Little Rock, Conway, Greenbrier, Bee Branch, and Russellville including the Arkansas River Valley Amateur Radio Foundation and the Faulkner County Amateur Radio Club. Operators included the following:
W5WUP, David Eichenberger
AF5EI, Jim Taylor
KF5ESY, Hugh Donnel
KG5ZTI, Will Fosse
KD5WDJ, Keith Parish
KF5SDE, Roger Alabach
N5EWC, Eric Coran
WB5RUH, Dave Huett
KC5BBC, Neal Johnson
N5GC, George Carroll
KA5MGL, Kelly Boswell
W5APA, Thomas Maupin
WB5BHS, John Evans
AE5GH, Gerald Hogue
KJ5CMJ, Jim Yates
N5TSG, Jim Grinder
KG5LXF, Chris Gimbert
The next event will the Summer Field Day on June 22-23, 2024. ARDAC will again set up operations at the Morrilton North Fire Station.
Everyone interested in Amateur Radio is invited to stop by and see what we do to support Emergency Preparedness for Morrilton, Conway County, and the surrounding areas.