WOOHOO it’s finally time for some eyeball QSO’s. The Hoxie Hamfest is this coming Friday and Saturday, 2/17 and 2/18/2023. This is the website: https://w5wra.org/index.php/2023/01/11/winterfest-2023/ It’s a wonderful get-together. It’s the first Arkansas Hamfest of the year! The Russellville Hamfest is now known as the Arkansas River Valley Hamfest. It’s scheduled for 4/4/2023. This is the website: https://sites.google.com/view/arv-hamfest/home Be sure to note the different location from previous years. This Hamfest is always well attended and there is no doubt some radio-trading and story swapping (tall tales and leg pulling) will be going on! Repeater owners and Trustees take note: The Arkansas Repeater Council will hold it’s yearly meeting at the Arkansas River Valley Hamfest. I don’t have an agenda for the Hamfest yet, so I don’t know what time it will occur. There will be a business meeting, so be sure to make time to be there. This meeting was held at Queen Wilhemena Hamfest last year, and we heard from a LOT of people that wanted it to be closer to the middle of the state. Of course, our Section Manager N5LKE plans to be at both. Jay and I both are looking forward to seeing everyone. Please let us know if there is anything we might help you with.
J.M. Rowe N5XFW
AR Section SEC